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The Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® (EMP) is a cutting-edge tool to assess your mindset and help you unlock your entrepreneurial potential.

The right mindset is vital when it comes to achieving anything in life. Mindfulness deliberations in business have changed more recently to mindset discussions and at the ELMS, we work with an assessment tool that assesses the entrepreneurial mindset in individuals.

As we embark on an new decade and we consider the future of work, the landscape is unknown and therefore unsure for many and never more so than in the wake of the current COVID19 pandemic. An entrepreneurial mindset is vital in navigating the ever changing work environment and by understanding your mindset will enable you to move confidently through your career, understand where your skills lie and demonstrate how innovative you are to future employers or clients.

Companies are often talked of as innovative but of course, it is not the company that is innovative, but the people who have created the ideas, designed the processes or products. Developing entrepreneurial skills is vital for economic growth to help existing businesses succeed and gain competitive advantage. We use a cutting-edge assessment tool that examines the skills and capabilities that are needed for this new way of operating. The tool helps corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and students assess the degree to which they are utilizing an “entrepreneurial mindset” and provides resources to leverage that competitive edge.

The assessment tool is helpful to :

Interested in becoming an Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile®
(EMP) Certified Practitioner?

Becoming an EMP practitioner requires you to satisfy certain experience and qualifications. To take the first step towards becoming a practitioner, please complete a short Expression Of Interest to learn more.
To take the first step towards becoming a practitioner, please complete a short Expression Of Interest to learn more.

Becoming an EMP practitioner requires you to satisfy certain experience and qualifications.

To take the first step towards becoming a practitioner, please complete a short Expression Of Interest to learn more.

Take the Entrepreneurial
Mindset Profile® (EMP)
Assessment today.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® (EMP) is a cutting-edge tool to assess your mindset and help you unlock your entrepreneurial potential. Your Course Leader/Strategic Advisor will send the survey link.

Interested in hosting an Entrepreneurial Mindset Digital Workshop in 2022?

Our team of qualified practitioners can support your training needs by providing a EMP Virtual presentation services. Contact our team today on

Our qualified EMP Practitioners can support your training requirements.

Contact our team today on

The Assessment Process:

ELMS Certified Practitioners support assessments and training needs of both individuals and teams. Upon completion of an initial online assessment, participants receive a personalized feedback report comparing entrepreneurs and corporate manager norm groups. The skill and characteristics assessed are:

Future Focus – Idea Generation- Execution – Self-Confidence – Optimism – Persistence – Interpersonal Sensitivity – Independence – Preference for Limited Structure – Nonconformity – Risk Acceptance – Action Orientation – Passion – Need to Achieve

Individuals also receive a comprehensive Development Guide which includes sections on interpretation, development suggestions, recommended resources and action planning. Our Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® (EMP) Certified Practitioners then deliver feedback (virtually) which will determine strengths and areas to increase performan

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